On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
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Sekvenser med 2,3 eller 4 forskellige værdier. Nogle af dem kunne være interessante grafiske.
Forskellige værdier | Kandidater | Gode |
2 | A000480, A000484, A000494, A001468, A002819, A002909, A002928, A002930, A003589, A003687, A003782, A003842, A003849, A003982, A004539, A004547, A004555, A004569, A004593, A004601, A004609, A004641, A005171, A005369, A005614, A005713, A006337, A006338, A006340, A006345, A006461, A006466, A006513, A006836, A006928, A007061, A007362, A007421, A007424, A007538, A008683, A008869, A008870, A008966, A009058, A010051, A010052, A010054, A010055, A010056, A010057, A010058, A010059, A010060 | A000002, A001030, A001285, A284680 |
3 | A005678, A005679, A005680, A006460, A007413, A007423, A007540, A007706, A007877, A007945, A007968, A008741, A008868, A009501, A009529, A010121, A010122, A010130, A010133, A010141, A010143, A010152, A010153, A010170, A010194, A010195, A010227, A010331, A010872, A010882, A011187, A011770, A011771 | A001176, A003137, A003270, A004530, A004540, A004548, A004556, A004570, A004578, A004586, A004594, A004602, A004610 |
4 | A005681 |
Sekvenser, som jeg har bidraget til:
- A030101 a(n) is the number produced when n is converted to binary digits, the binary digits are reversed and then converted back into a decimal number.
- A055748 A chaotic cousin of the Hofstadter-Conway sequence
- A247820 Numbers n such that sigma(2n-1) is a prime p.
- A246910 Numbers n such that sigma(n+sigma(n)) = 3*sigma(n).
- A265650 Removing the first occurrence of 1, 2, 3, … reproduces the sequence itself. Each run of consecutive removed terms is separated from the next one by a term a(k) ⇐ a(k-1) such that floor(sqrt(a(k))) equals the length of the run.
- A160029 Primes of the form 2^(2^n)+51.
- A169595 Primes p such that sigma(p+2)=sigma(p-2).
- A169596 Primes p such that sigma(p+3)=sigma(p-3).
Interessante sekvenser
- A003001 Smallest number of multiplicative persistence n
- Triangle of partition numbers
- A030101 Converted to binary digits, reversed and converted back into a number.
- A036057 Friedman numbers: can be written in a nontrivial way using their digits and the operations + - * / ^ and concatenation of digits (but not of results).
- A036236 Smallest integer k > 0 such that 2^k mod k = n, or 0 if no such k exists.
- A045911 Neither a cube nor the sum of a nonnegative cube and a prime.
- A114440 Numbers which divided by the sum of their digits (Harshad or Niven numbers) give integers which are also divided by the sum of their digits (until a single digit Harshad remains).
- A119566 Periodic table of elements associated with the Look-and-Say sequence
- A121977 Numbers with a distinct frequency for each decimal digit.
- A131884 Numbers conjectured to have an infinite, aperiodic, aliquot sequence.
- A134204 Leroy Quet's prime-generating recurrence.
- A179243 Numbers n that have three terms in their Zeckendorf representation.
matematik/oeis.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/21 19:19 by