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Computer / Elektronikbøger til salg

Q0001. “Dgital Electronic Circuits”, Glenn M. Glasford. ISBN: 0-13-211608-1
20 kroner

Q0002-02. “Java 8 Pocket Guide”, Robert Liguori & Patricia Liguori. O'Reilly. ISBN: 978-1-491-90086-4
200 gram
30 kroner

Q0003. “Introduction to Functional Programming”, Richard Bird & Philip Wodler. ISBN: 0-13-484197-2
500 gram
40 kroner

Q0004-12. “Pragmatic Guide to Git”, Travis Swicegood. ISBN: 978-1-93435-672-2
350 gram
20 kroner

Q0005-08. “Compilers - Principles, Techniques and Tools”, Aho & Sethi & Ullman. ISBN: 0-201-10194-7
1200 gram
30 kroner

Q0006. “OpenSourceForYou - Vol. 4, Issue 2 - November 2015”
5 kroner

Q0007-A. “60 Games and Applications for the ZX Spectrum”, David Harwood. ISBN: 0-907563-17-1
25 kroner

Q0008-13. “ZX Spectrum User's Handbook”, R. J. Simpson, T. J. Terrell. ISBN: 0-408-01323-0
350 gram
25 kroner

Q0009-05. “Life is a game”, Mev Dinc. ISBN: 978-1-914078-59-0
550 gram
25 kroner

Q0010-01. “Postfix - The Definitive Guide”, Kyle D. Dent. ISBN: 978-0-00212-1
600 gram
25 kroner

Q0011-08. “The Logic of Computer Arithemtic”, Ivan Flores. 1963
1350 gram
30 kroner

Q0012-06. “The Working Spectrum - A Library of Practical Subroutines and Programs”, David Lawrence
Sunshine Books. ISBN: 0-946408-00-9. 216 sider
350 gram
40 kroner

“Further Programming for the ZX Spectrum”, Ian Steward & Robin Jones. ISBN: 0-906812-24-4
“Spectrum adventures - a guide to playing and writing adventures”, Tony Bridges & Ray Carnell. ISBN: 0-946408-07-6
800 gram
75 kroner

Q0014-12. “Perl Hacks”, Damian Conway and Curtis 'Ovid' Poe. ISBN: 0-596-52674-1
500 gram
40 kroner

Q0015-12. “Perl Cookbook 2nd Edition”, Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington. ISBN: 978-0-596-00313-5
1800 gram
40 kroner

Q0016-11. “Linux iptables pocket reference”, Gregor N. Purdy. ISBN: 0-596-00569-5. 2004. First edition
100 gram
25 kroner

Q0017-12. “Apache Cookbook”, Ken Coar & Rich Bowen. ISBN: 0-596-00191-6. 2004
450 gram
25 kroner

Q0018-12. “TCP/IP Network Administration”, Craig Hunt. ISBN: 1-56592-322-7. 1992. Second Edition
1150 gram
25 kroner

Q0019-12. “Spectrum Graphics”, Nick Hampshire. ISBN: 0-7156-1700-1. 1982
300 gram
30 kroner

Q0020-12. “Book of Adventure”, Keith Campbell. Melbourne House, ISBN: 0-86161-143-8. 1983
250 gram
35 kroner

Q0021-05. “MySQL Cookbook 2nd Edition”, Paul DuBois. O'Reilly. ISBN: 978-0-596-52708-2. 2006
1200 gram
20 kroner

Q0022-C. “Building iPhone Apps”, Jonathan Stark

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