Demo1 kode
Kompileres med pasmo
pasmo -d --tapbas demo1.asm demo1.tap
org 32768 start: di ; no need to spend time reading keyboard etc. call clearscreen call clearattr effects: call effect1 call effect2 call effect3 call effect4 call effect5 call effect6 call effect7 call effect8 call shift_patterns jr effects effect1: ; pattern 11111122 ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,six_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir call copy_top_of_screen ret effect2: ; 21111112 ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,one_line ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,six_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,one_line ld (hl),a ldir call copy_top_of_screen ret effect3: ; 22111111 ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,six_lines ld (hl),a ldir call copy_top_of_screen ret effect4: ; 12211111 ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,one_line ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,five_lines ld (hl),a ldir call copy_top_of_screen ret effect5: ; 11221111 ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,four_lines ld (hl),a ldir call copy_top_of_screen ret effect6: ; 11122111 ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,three_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,three_lines ld (hl),a ldir call copy_top_of_screen ret effect7: ; 11112211 ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,four_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir call copy_top_of_screen ret effect8: ; 11111221 ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,five_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern2) ld bc,two_lines ld (hl),a ldir ld a,(pattern1) ld bc,one_line ld (hl),a ldir call copy_top_of_screen ret clearscreen: ; could be optimized using the push sp trick xor a ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+1 ld bc,screensize-1 ld (hl),a ldir xor a out (254),a ; black border ret clearattr: ; could be optimized using the push sp trick ld a,56 ; black ink, white paper ld hl,attrstart ld bc,attrsize-1 ld de,attrstart+1 ld (hl),a ldir ret copy_top_of_screen: ; could be optimized using the push sp trick ld bc,16*one_line ld hl,screenstart ld de,screenstart+8*one_line ldir ret shift_patterns: ld hl,pattern1 rlc (hl) ld hl,pattern2 rlc (hl) rlc (hl) ret pattern1: defb %11111100 pattern2: defb %00000011 screenstart: equ 16384 screensize: equ 6144 set_border: equ #229B attrstart: equ screenstart+screensize attrsize: equ 24*32 one_line: equ 32*8 two_lines: equ 2*one_line three_lines: equ 3*one_line four_lines: equ 4*one_line five_lines: equ 5*one_line six_lines: equ 6*one_line END start
programmering/demo1-code.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/21 19:19 by