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Forfatter: Kenneth Robeson
1973: 1-9
1974: 10-16
1. “Midas-manden” (The Midas man). ISBN: 87-416-7657-2
2. “Ammunitionens herre” (The munitions master). ISBN: 87-416-7701-3
3. “Spøgelseshavet” (Haunted ocean)
4. “Giftøen” (Poison island). ISBN: 87-416-7702-1
5. “Mysteriet om undervandsbåden” (The submarine mystery). ISBN: 87-416-7884-2
6. “Mændene som holdt op med at smile” (The men who smiled no more). SV 685. ISBN: 87-416-4854-4
7. “Høje Ju Ju's land” (Land of Long Ju Ju)
8. “Truslen” (The motion menage). ISBN: 87-416-4876-5
9. “Den levende ild” (The living fire menage). ISBN: 87-416-4877-3
10. “Spøgelsespiraten” (The pirate's ghost). SV 589. ISBN: 87-416-7851-6
11. “Rædslernes land” (The Majii)
12. “Mysteriet i sneen” (The mystery on the snow)
13. “Terrorlandet” (The land of terror)
14. “Spøgelsesbyen” (The phantom city). ISBN: 87-416-7911-3
15. “Den mystiske Mullah” (The mystic Mullah). ISBN: 87-416-1000-8
16. “Sargassohavets uhyre” (The Sargasso Ogre). ISBN: 87-416-1016-4. SV-740